Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Raspberry Lemonade Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Pineapple Mango Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Younited Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Energy Activator - TWO FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM
Medicinal Ingredients Per 4.5g scoop/Ingrédients Médicinaux par cuillère de 4,5 g Amount/Teneur
Beet/Betterave (Beta vulgaris - Root/Racine) 1000 mg
Grape seed extract/Extrait de pépins de raisin (Vitis vinifera - Seed/Graine) (85% Proanthocyanidins/de proanthocyanidines, 10 : 1, 1500 mg) 150 mg
Resveratrol/Resvératrol (Vitis vinifera - Fruit) 150 mg
Astragalus/Astragale (Astragalus membranaceus - Root/Racine)(20 : 1, 2000 mg) 100 mg
Mango/Mangue (Mangifera indica - Fruit) 100 mg
Apple/Pomme (Malus domestica - Fruit) 100 mg
CoQ10 50 mg
Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris - Mycelia/Mycélie) 600 mg
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum - Mycelia/Mycélie) 360 mg
Lion's Mane/Crinière de lion (Hericium erinaceus - Mycelia/Mycélie) 60 mg
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes - Mycelia/Mycélie) 60 mg
Turkey Tail/Queue de dinde (Trametes versicolor - Mycelia/Mycélie) 60mg
King Trumpet/Trompette du Roi (Pleurotus eryngii - Cultured mycelia/Mycélium cultivé) 60 mg
Onion/Oignon(Allium cepa - Bulb/Bulbe)(80% Quercetin, 50 : 1, 443 mg) 8.86 mg
Garlic/Ail (Allium sativum - Bulb/Bulbe) 2.03 mg
Black chokeberry/Aronia noir (Aronia melanocarpa - Fruit) 0.84 mg
Brussels sprouts/Choux be Bruxelles (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera - Leaf bud/Bourgeon foliaire) 0.06 mg
Broccoli/Brocoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica - Herb top/Dessus d'herb) 9.98 mg
Sprouting broccoli/ Brocoli en germination(Brassica oleracea var. italica - Herb top/Dessus d'herb) 3.97 mg
Collards/Chou vert (Brassica oleracea var. viridis - Leaf/Feuille) 0.83 mg
Cassia cinnamon/Canelle Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum - Branch bark/Écorce de branche) 1.015 mg
Batavia cinnamon/Batavia canelle (Cinnamomum burmannii - Branch bark/Écorce de branche) 1.015 mg
Turmeric/Curcuma (Curcuma longa - Rhizome) 2.03 mg
Carrot/Carotte (Daucus carota - Tuber) 1.57 mg
Açai (Euterpe oleracea - Fruit) 2.15 mg
Mangosteen/Mangoustan (Garcinia mangostana - Fruit) 1.22 mg
Green Coffee Bean Extract/Extrait de grain de café vert (Coffea arabica - Seed/Graine)(50% Chlorogenic acids/d'acides chlorogéniques, 2% Caffeine/de caféine, 12:1, 165.12 mg) 13.76 mg
Acerola/Acérola (Malpighia glabra - Fruit) 4.4 mg
Apple/Pomme (Malus domestica - Fruit) (70% Polyphenols/Polyphénols, 600 : 1, 4890 mg) 8.15 mg
Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia - Fruit) 0.98 mg
Basil/Basilic (Ocimum basilicum - Leaf/Feuille) 2.03 mg
Oregano/Origan (Origanum vulgare - Leaf/Feuille) 2.03 mg
Sweet cherry/Cerise douce (Prunus avium - Fruit) 0.79 mg
Black currant/Cassis (Ribes nigrum - Fruit)(25% Anthocyanins/Anthocyanines, 60:1, 55.8 mg) 0.93 mg
Raspberry/Framboise (Rubus idaeus - Fruit) 0.93 mg
Blackberry/Mûre (Rubus plicatus - Fruit) 0.93 mg
Black elder/Sureau noir (Sambucus nigra subsp. nigra - Fruit) 1.54 mg
Tomato/Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum - Fruit flesh/Chair de fruit) 4.28 mg
Spinach/Épinard (Spinacia oleracea - Leaf/Feuille ) 0.86 mg
Blueberry/Myrtille (Vaccinium corymbosum - Fruit)(14% Anthocyanidins/d'anthocyanidines, 80 : 1, 74.4 mg) 0.93 mg
Bilberry/Myrtille (Vaccinium myrtillus - Fruit)(25 % Anthocyanidins/Anthocyanidines, 250 : 1, 77.5 mg) 0.31 mg
Quercetin/Quercétine 4.58 mg
Green tea extract/Extrait de thé vert (Camellia sinensis - Leaf/Feuille)(70 % Catechins/Catéchines, 2 % Caffeine/ Caféine, 20:1, 244.4 mg) 12.22 mg
Non-medicinal ingredients
Colloidal silicon dioxide/Dioxyde de silicium colloïdal, Citric acid/Acide citrique, Stevia leaf/Feuille de stévia, Monk fruit extract/Extrait de fruit de moine, Natural Fruit Flavour/Saveur naturelle de fruits.
No added soy, dairy, gluten, eggs, nuts./Sans soja, produits laitiers, gluten, oeufs, noix ajoutés.
This delicious energizer is a multi-tasker! Use as an anytime energizer throughout the day or as a pre-workout drink. Simply mix with cold water or add to your All-In Superfood for an extra boost to start your day!

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

full of energy after a mix of this


I feel don’t feel tired at work anymore

Trish McTeer

Great product! Love the natural flavor and boost that comes with it

Annette Bater
Powerhouse product

I don't often leave reviews for supplements, but this is the real deal. It's helped maintain energy so I don't get the mid-day slump, I train better, and weirdly its the one thing that helps me to get a good night's sleep. Something that's been horribly elusive as a menopausal female.

I ordered the mango pineapple flavour which is pretty decent in water. Yes, it's a touch sweet for my liking, so I only use half the recommended amount. I may try raspberry lemonade next to see if that's not as saccharine.

I also don't love how quickly the powder settles and leaving the bitterest ingredients to a bit of a sludge in the bottom of the cup. Advise you to keep mixing. If you want a truly delicious combination, mix it with any flavour of Sap Sucker if you're in Canada. The carbonation keeps the product mixed better and it tastes more like a soda if that matters to you.

Great product overall though despite these niggles. In the grand scheme of things they're minor so still giving it 5 stars.

R Martin

It helps me so much with my mid day blahs.
I find it a tad sweet but otherwise love it!!!

Activateur d'énergie

Prix régulier $59.99
Frais d'expédition calculés lors du passage à la caisse.

Démarrez votre journée et restez énergique avec l'Activateur d'énergie ! Formulé avec Peak O2 et Spectra, qui ont fait l'objet de recherches cliniques, pour améliorer la production d'énergie, la force et l'endurance, tout en soutenant la fonction mitochondrial. Cette boisson énergétique naturelle améliore la production globale d'énergie cellulaire tout en neutralisant les radicaux libres et en augmentant le flux sanguin vers les muscles et les organes pour une meilleure fonction cardiovasculaire et pulmonaire.

Disponible en 2 délicieux saveur naturelles, ananas-mangue et limonade-framboise (160 grammes). 

✓ Fabriqué au Canada
✓ Approuvé par Santé Canada
✓ Édulcoré et aromatisé naturellement
✓ Sans sucre et sans produits laitiers
✓ Paléo
✓ Céto
✓ Vegan

Les phytonutriments, Spectra, la racine de betterave et l'extrait de pépins de raisin aident à maximiser la production d'oxyde nitrique.

Le resvératrol, la CoQ10, l'extrait de mangue et l'extrait de pomme améliorent la production d'énergie mitochondriale.

Peak O2, dosé cliniquement, améliore l'endurance et la force tout en réduisant le temps de récupération.

Spectra (mélange de phytonutriments), dosé cliniquement, réduit l'inflammation, augmente la consommation cellulaire d'oxygène, améliore la régénération de l'ATP, préserve davantage de glycogène musculaire, améliore l'élimination du lactate pour réduire la fatigue musculaire, réduit le stress oxydatif et sert à neutraliser les radicaux libres et à stimuler l'oxyde nitrique, ce qui améliore la fonction cellulaire globale et augmente le flux sanguin pour une meilleure fonction cardiovasculaire et pulmonaire.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

full of energy after a mix of this


I feel don’t feel tired at work anymore

Trish McTeer

Great product! Love the natural flavor and boost that comes with it

Annette Bater
Powerhouse product

I don't often leave reviews for supplements, but this is the real deal. It's helped maintain energy so I don't get the mid-day slump, I train better, and weirdly its the one thing that helps me to get a good night's sleep. Something that's been horribly elusive as a menopausal female.

I ordered the mango pineapple flavour which is pretty decent in water. Yes, it's a touch sweet for my liking, so I only use half the recommended amount. I may try raspberry lemonade next to see if that's not as saccharine.

I also don't love how quickly the powder settles and leaving the bitterest ingredients to a bit of a sludge in the bottom of the cup. Advise you to keep mixing. If you want a truly delicious combination, mix it with any flavour of Sap Sucker if you're in Canada. The carbonation keeps the product mixed better and it tastes more like a soda if that matters to you.

Great product overall though despite these niggles. In the grand scheme of things they're minor so still giving it 5 stars.

R Martin

It helps me so much with my mid day blahs.
I find it a tad sweet but otherwise love it!!!